CV № 409329 din 3 iunie 2024
Dispatcher / Phone Operator / Customer Support

age 34 ani


address Chișinău

Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".

Despre mine

I'm writing to You to convey my earnest interest in getting a job. I consider this website to be the best for opportunities . I'll take this chance to introduce myself a little bit further. I was born in Romania and decided to migrate to the UK in January 2014. After finishing my high school tourism vocational programme, where I majored in food and beverage services, I began working as a chef assistant in a hotel. I continued working as a chef for eight years in Greece,Russia and England, specialising in various cuisines.Because of my passion for giving customers amazing meals and life-changing experiences. Later on I went to study in University, in UK for obtaining a degree in Business and Management/ knowledge and skills to run a successful business, from planning and cost to marketing and financial management. I am excited about the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with industry professionals and entrepreneurs. My key strenghts include excellent communications skills,vast and diverse knowledge in multiple fields,and the ability to learn and improve continually. I watch videos on internet and read books,business journals and articles which provide invaluable insights into the world of business.
I am highly motivated and committed to get a job and I believe that will provide me with the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve my personal and professional goals. I am a quick learner and a hard worker and I believe I won't let you down

-Cunostinte in utilizarea PC'ului
-Apt in comunicarea cu clientii
-Lucrul in echipa
-Abilitati de leadership atunci cand e nevoie

Vezi mai mult

Experiența profesională

Noiembrie 2020 - Decembrie 2023
3 ani 1 lună

Home Delivery Driver


Peste hotare

As a driver, my role involves transporting goods from one point to another, which has advanced my skills in several ways. Firstly, my role has improved my navigation skills as I am constantly using maps to identify and follow the best routes to reach my destination. Through experience, I have learned how to maneuver through heavy traffic, locate addresses in unfamiliar territory, and utilize GPS software effectively.

My role as a driver has also enhanced my time management abilities as I need to meet delivery deadlines or pickup times. I have developed the skills to prioritize my tasks and organize my driving schedule efficiently to ensure that deliveries are made on time.
Talking with customers over the phone when needed

Furthermore, as a driver, I have also learned how to handle different types of goods, including fragile and perishable products, ensuring that they reach their destination in good condition. Driving for long periods has taught me the importance of staying alert, keeping good driving habits, and following all safety rules on the road.
Overall, my role as a driver has advanced my skills in navigation, time management, traffic management, and safety on the road, which will undoubtedly benefit me in many other areas of life.


Română Fluent

Rusă Fluent

Engleză Fluent

Studii: Superioare incomplete

Studiez la moment


Facultatea: Elizabeth School of London

Specialitatea: Business and Management

Cursuri, training-uri

Studiez la moment

Business and Management

Preferințe pentru job

Programul de muncă


Permis de conducere

Categoria: B

Cu automobil personal

Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".